Green enterprise / Green certified enterprise Hyungjae Partner


Welcome to Hyungjae
Partner of green electric
vehicle company.

CEO Kim jungwan
대표이사 김정완

대표이사 사진

Hyungjae Partner are going to be zero-pollution electric-motor-vehicle mass-manufacturer in Gumi-si Gyeongbuk-do KOREA. Now we takes part in agriculture electric vehicle, medical motor-scooter, utility motor-truck, neighborhood electric car and so on. Then we will further pursue to develop new product as Full-speed electric cars and research for new electric category.

At first, we start to set an assembly plant at own land in Gumi industrial complex. It become most biggest company only focus on electric-motor-vehicle manufacture company KOREA.

I have a foundation dream at someone's factory manager in Song-do Incheon KOREA. At that time I remember that we worked with candle lights at darkness suffered from acquaintance's financial troubles. At the difficult time is make the bright present after 5 years.

We've got plenty of advise from the senior and junior, thanks to all believe in success.
For potential small businesses' champion and world best company further, we work hard our best.

Thank you !